I'm officially joining the world of blogging. It's not easy for a person of my advanced age and limited computer savvy to decide to get wet -- something like a polar swim, I suppose, but I hope I won't suffer the usual shrinkage.
I've published my first book, Tin Lizard Tales: Reflections from a Train. "How interesting," I hear you say. "Big frikin' deal. Move along, old timer."
But wait. I think you'll like it. A lot of people do. So, for a few posts, I'll be letting you know a little about it. For starters, take a look at the cover delicately displayed above. That lizard is zipping along on the rails into a blinding future, the contents of which are unknown. And that, my friends, is what the book is about. I'm the author, Schuyler T. Wallace, and I'll tell you a little more about it next time.